You Did Good Today!

Uday PB
1 min readMar 26, 2024


For anyone who needs a quick run down of how well they are doing — keep reading.

You did good today! Very well for that matter. You might not see it or think it was just another day, but it wasn’t.

Every step you took today was a step forward, no matter how small or how deviant. No worry for the future has any significance in the face of the progress you are making.

You faced challenges, you overcame obstacles, and you kept moving forward. Even in the face of failure, you kept falling forward. Remember, every effort counts, every bit of progress matters. You are building a better tomorrow with every action you take today. Every progress is leading you to greater heights.

You are stronger than you realize, more capable that you give yourself credit for. Be proud of yourself, you are putting in the work, making things happen.

Your journey is unique, every twist and turn is shaping you into the incredible person you are meant to be. Keep going, keep grinding, keep finding the incredible you, keep resisting mediocrity, keep exploring newer emotions, keep sculpting yourself, until you are not your old self anymore. Keep going!



Uday PB

Above the ground today, below tomorrow. Psychology, philosophy, and maybe code - my trifecta, follow for musings on such topics.