Demystifying Rock “The Dwayne Johnson’s” Success and fame

Uday PB
4 min readJan 20, 2021


Rock “The Dwayne Johnson”

The rock is the third-highest followed celebrity on Instagram and is the fifth most popular personality on the internet. Do we even need a further introduction about who he is? Well for starters he is the show stopper, the humorous charmer, the witty motivator and above all motherf*cking hard worker. That describes most of what he is in his life. Although, the reason for his massive die-hard followers is kind of different. He has that cliched rags to riches story and he was the underdog people used to support in the past. His motivation to work hard for the most part of his life gave him the pleasure to experience being the most famous person on the internet. A fan once said, “if The Rock runs for the President, we won’t have to count his votes, we can declare him the President right away”. Now, how true is that only depends on what people think of Presidents. But clearly, if Donald Trump can win then I am convinced that The Rock will win clean.

Coming back to the main reason for his massive fan following and success, I would recommend you watch one of his videos on Instagram. His humble way of talking and a witty sense of humour is all you need to fall in love with him. The Rock talks like all of us, and never shows off. His down to earth personality and encouraging baritone keep the viewers captivated throughout his videos. Now that is what he has made of himself, a leader people look up to. But what about his beginnings when he had more of a rebellious and tough fan following? Well, that started when he became a protagonist in the staged wrestling show WWF (now WWE).

The rock has always been into wrestling, it’s in his blood. His family supporting him to enter into the world of World wrestling federation is all he wanted. Half of his initial fan following emerged when he became a super start — “If you can smell, what the Rock is cooking!” — yes that too. His wrestling days quickly gave him the opportunity to showcase his charming personality and gave him an edge over other struggling wrestlers.

The following are a couple of reasons why he is “The Rock”:

The people’s eyebrow:

Every famous personality had a break, and the rock got his break when he transformed into a villain who would insult his fans during interviews. That worked like a charm for him. He came into the spotlight as a villain and soon became the people charmer. There is no fixed strategy here, you can say it was luck, but throughout his journey to fame, he kept bringing new glimpses of his charm to the world. The people’s eyebrow is when he raises one of his eyebrows, and while that may sound normal, the reason it is famous is that he named it the “people’s” eyebrow. Yes, that is right, he always puts his fans first.

Third-person speeches:

He would always speak in the third person, for example, “The rock has come back to kick someone’s a**”. Fans could never blame him for anything as he is the Rock, he is “The Rock”. His third-person talks were so famous that fans started loving him even more by the day. The secret here is when you speak in third-person, you give people the impression of them being in the important spot. Not saying “I” or “me” would make you sound more selfless and less arrogant. His trick worked again. He became more famous.

His love for Mana:

The rock is known for talking about his family and how much he loves them. His selfless nature and humbling character made him more fans than his on-screen time. However, most of his movies portrayed him as a muscular less intellectual guy. In most of his videos online, he would talk about his family, his mother and his lovely better half. That is a quality that 80% of the people do not have.

Less from the brain, more from the heart:

If we watch most of his videos, his intentions are clear and concise. Most of his ideologies come from the heart and he always wants to give back. He never does click baits, never calls anyone out in his posts and most of all he replies to his fans. He records himself replying to his fans — mostly teenagers and students — as he resonates with them the most.

Caring to business and business to caring:

He has several businesses that have succeeded massively. From his under armour collaboration to his new Taquila brand — “Teramana”, all companies follow a common motto. And that is to be the most humble and caring company in the world. Most of that ideology came from the belief “customers are family” and The Rock made it his priority to instil his beliefs into his employees and followers. The reason for the business’s success may not only be the type of products but part of it could be what the companies portray as their beliefs.

All of these make Dwayne Johnson the person we know him today. He may have had luck on his side while climbing the ladders of success, but his dedication and his character are sure some of the main reasons he is not a “famous and rich a**hole” but a “loveable and famous Dwanta”!



Uday PB
Uday PB

Written by Uday PB

Above the ground today, below tomorrow. Psychology, philosophy, and maybe code - my trifecta, follow for musings on such topics.

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